What Should 3D Medical Animation Cost?

By: Cameron Slayden

Note: This is a duplicate article for those searching for 3D medical animation rather than scientific animation. For all intents and purposes, both refer to the same type of animation and are therefore priced identically. If you would like to see that article instead, click here.

How Much Does 3D Medical Animation Cost Per Minute?

In the 3D medical animation industry, the cost of a project is typically quoted on a per-minute basis.

TLDR: Microverse Studios charges $35,000-45,000 for a one minute animation, $55,000-65,000 for a two minute animation, and $75,000-$105,000 for a three minute video. A 30-second production would range from $25,000-30,000. The per-minute rate decreases as duration increases. The range represents varying prices due to project complexity. As you can imagine, more complex stories require more work hours to complete.

Our predictable pricing covers all aspects of 3D medical animation production from start to finish. We have highly accurate metrics that allow us to predict and maintain scope. These are outlined later.

Why Do We Charge So Much?

In the 3D medical animation landscape, you’ll see a variety of price points, with our rates squarely in the middle (despite our commitment to top-tier production quality).

We are able to provide complex, 3D medical animation at a mid-range price point thanks to our streamlined workflow and minimal overhead. We cannot charge the lowest rates, however,  because high production quality and scientific accuracy requires top talent.

Every member of our creative staff is both an award-winning filmmaker, and has a masters’ degree in medical illustration. This means that the animators at our studio have the scientific background to completely understand your science and the creative chops to produce award-winning animation for every project. 

How Do Some 3D Medical Animation Studios Charge Less?

Imagine the process of 3D medical animation production as being like building a house. The experience and dedication of the team you choose determines the quality of the end product. If you’re building a shed, cheap out. There is no need to source the finest building materials or the most exclusive architect. If you’re building a sleek mansion, that’s a bit different. Choose your team wisely!

To be able to charge a lower price point, other studios need to pay their animators less. This could mean using freelancers, outsourcing overseas, or hiring animators without advanced degrees or scientific knowledge. 

For some less complex stories or stories that have more to do with CAD files and engineering, this isn’t an issue. If your story is full of intricate scientific detail, you will need to decide up front how rigorous the science in your animation needs to be.

If you cannot skimp on complexity, then you will need to determine how much time your team has to explain the science behind your new technology and to correct any scientific errors that may pop up.

How Can Early Stage Startups Afford 3D Medical Animation?

Microverse Studios serves early stage biotech startups, larger pharmaceutical clients, and the agencies that cater to them.

We know that, for very early startups, cash flow can be complicated. We always seek to make our work available to everyone that needs it. We have had success deferring payments until after a raise is complete, providing long term payment options, and accepting partial payment in the form of equity (via SAFE note). 

How Do We Determine Project Scope for a 3D Medical Animation?

We’ve found that the best predictor of the quantity of labor in a given project takes into account three variables: script word count, optimal pacing, and concept count. 

These provide a consistent metric for scoping any animation because they’re rooted in how the brain works. Let’s take a look at these variables now.

Script Word Count

When we write our scripts, we keep in mind that, in English, narration is read at about two words per second. We don’t use word count as a rigid metric, because the verbiage needed to communicate each concept can vary widely, but it does provide some guide rails that can keep script edits from driving scope creep.

As a general rule, don’t expect an animation to be shorter than the time it takes to read it aloud, or about 120 words per minute. Pro tip: the brain can only read as fast as it can understand speech, so this includes text on screen!

Optimal Pacing

It takes about 10 seconds to move a piece of information from short term memory into working memory. In working memory, ideas are strung together into a narrative. If presented too quickly, short term memory will dump a piece of information to make room for the next. If presented too slowly, working memory will have a hard time sequencing them.

We always add a second on either side of each concept to account for smooth transitions, so that means that in sixty seconds you can fit about five concepts at the perfect pace for learning.

Concept Count

Your 3D medical animation will have a certain number of discrete ideas that the audience must understand before it ends. Pro tip: Knowing this, you can predict and tailor the duration of your own project before you talk to your first medical animation studio! 

The hard rules of cognition make concept count the central metric for predicting how long an animation must be. 

Because we know how much work goes into making a given concept come to life on screen, this also gives us a very accurate predictor for establishing project scope.

How Can I Minimize the Cost of My 3D Medical Animation Project?

Be concise. Certain elements will be critical to your story, but know the difference between what needs to be demonstrated in animation versus what can be a text box displayed alongside it. Always remember that animation is best served by stories that “show” rather than “tell.” 

Expository elements such as long lists of features or applications might even have better impact elsewhere on the webpage, remaining in view longer than if they are included in the animation.

Cost Breakdown in 3D Medical Animation

As we see it at Microverse Studios, every 3D medical animation has two cost components: pre-production/overhead and animation production. 

3D Medical Animation Pre-production/Overhead

Every project takes a certain amount of overhead, regardless of final video duration. This includes time spent working on things like research, meetings, internal review, creative direction, and production management. It also includes script writing, our unique style development protocol, concept art, and storyboarding. 

Because this workload is very consistent, we have a standard line item of $15,000 for most 3D medical animation projects. 

3D Medical Animation Production Costs

Animation production refers to creating the actual 3D animation. This includes geometry, programming, rigging, keyframing, camera work and so forth. It also includes using supercomputing resources, rendering, compositing, video editing, and professional voice. 

This second component represents the bulk of costs associated with production, and scales with video duration. The cost is dependent on the anticipated work to create the imagery up to Microverse Studios’ standards for production value. 

For example, if an animation takes place in multiple microenvironments (i.e. kidney, lung, liver, etc.), each of these environments must be built from scratch. Part of our value is that we reuse very few materials from one animation to another, ensuring that every project is unique. This added research and work drives the cost difference for more complex projects. 

This production line item ranges from $20,000 to $30,000 per minute of finished animation. The range reflects variations in project complexity. 

examples of VR, 360, medical illustration and plain language medical writing

Other Medical Communication Services

We produce more than 3D medical animation! We also provide scientific and medical illustration for print and web, plain language medical writing for investor outreach, immersive experiences for your next conference booth, VR and 360 video and more. We even sweeten Powerpoint presentations.

Because the production process for each of these services can vary significantly, they are typically priced differently from 3D medical animation. Medical illustrations, medical writing and Powerpoint presentations, for example, would not require per minute pricing. Often, in these cases, we use our day rate of $2,000.

Frequently, one kind of project dovetails into another. For example, illustrations in one year might be expanded into animations the next.  We take into account work already done on a project when building expanded scopes in order to optimize our clients’ bang for their buck.

If you’d like to find out more about our 3D medical animation or the other services we provide, reach out! A quick, 15-30 minute call is usually all we need to discuss the best possible means of scientific communication for your technology (or whether your project even requires our services in the first place). 

Our philosophy is to be transparent about our pricing structure, and to always keep our clients’ best interests at heart while serving their unique needs. We always counsel toward brevity and act as thought partners to make their stories as successful as possible. We have found this to be the best business strategy because it keeps our clients coming back again and again. 

About Microverse Studios
Microverse Studios is a full-service scientific and medical animation studio. Our 3D medical animation services include every aspect of animation production from research and scriptwriting to sound design and final delivery. Our clients come to us with an idea, and we turn it into a deployment-ready video.

We have had the honor of delivering game-changing innovators in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device fields with best-in-class, award-winning scientific filmmaking since 2005. Microverse Studios’ medical animators all have advanced degrees and the experience and expertise to quickly and completely understand the science behind our clients’ technologies, whether it’s AI-driven drug discovery, next-gen PCR technologies, or drug mechanism of action/MOA and mechanism of disease/MOD.

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What Should Scientific Animation Cost?

By: Cameron Slayden

Note: This is a duplicate article for those searching for scientific animation rather than 3D medical animation. For all intents and purposes, both refer to the same type of animation and are therefore priced identically. If you would like to see that article instead, click here.

How Much Does Scientific Animation Cost Per Minute?

In the scientific animation industry, the cost of a project is typically quoted on a per-minute basis.

TLDR: Microverse Studios charges $35,000-45,000 for a one minute animation, $55,000-65,000 for a two minute animation, and $75,000-$105,000 for a three minute video. A 30-second production would range from $25,000-30,000. The per-minute rate decreases as duration increases. The range represents varying prices due to project complexity. As you can imagine, more complex stories require more work hours to complete.

Our predictable pricing covers all aspects of scientific animation production from start to finish. We have highly accurate metrics that allow us to predict and maintain scope. These are outlined later.

Why Do We Charge So Much?

In the scientific animation landscape, you’ll see a variety of price points, with our rates squarely in the middle (despite our commitment to top-tier production quality).

We are able to provide complex, scientific animation at a mid-range price point thanks to our streamlined workflow and minimal overhead. We cannot charge the lowest rates, however,  because high production quality and scientific accuracy requires top talent.

Every member of our creative staff is both an award-winning filmmaker, and has a masters’ degree in medical illustration. This means that the animators at our studio have the scientific background to completely understand your science and the creative chops to produce award-winning animation for every project. 

How Do Some Scientific Animation Studios Charge Less?

Imagine the process of scientific animation production as being like building a house. The experience and dedication of the team you choose determines the quality of the end product. If you’re building a shed, cheap out. There is no need to source the finest building materials or the most exclusive architect. If you’re building a sleek mansion, that’s a bit different. Choose your team wisely!

To be able to charge a lower price point, other studios need to pay their animators less. This could mean using freelancers, outsourcing overseas, or hiring animators without advanced degrees or scientific knowledge. 

For some less complex stories or stories that have more to do with CAD files and engineering, this isn’t an issue. If your story is full of intricate scientific detail, you will need to decide up front how rigorous the science in your animation needs to be.

If you cannot skimp on complexity, then you will need to determine how much time your team has to explain the science behind your new technology and to correct any scientific errors that may pop up.

How Can Early Stage Startups Afford Scientific Animation?

Microverse Studios serves early stage biotech startups, larger pharmaceutical clients, and the agencies that cater to them.

We know that, for very early startups, cash flow can be complicated. We always seek to make our work available to everyone that needs it. We have had success deferring payments until after a raise is complete, providing long term payment options, and accepting partial payment in the form of equity (via SAFE note). 

How Do We Determine Project Scope for a Scientific Animation?

We’ve found that the best predictor of the quantity of labor in a given project takes into account three variables: script word count, optimal pacing, and concept count. 

These provide a consistent metric for scoping any animation because they’re rooted in how the brain works. Let’s take a look at these variables now.

Script Word Count

When we write our scripts, we keep in mind that, in English, narration is read at about two words per second. We don’t use word count as a rigid metric, because the verbiage needed to communicate each concept can vary widely, but it does provide some guide rails that can keep script edits from driving scope creep.

As a general rule, don’t expect an animation to be shorter than the time it takes to read it aloud, or about 120 words per minute. Pro tip: the brain can only read as fast as it can understand speech, so this includes text on screen!

Optimal Pacing

It takes about 10 seconds to move a piece of information from short term memory into working memory. In working memory, ideas are strung together into a narrative. If presented too quickly, short term memory will dump a piece of information to make room for the next. If presented too slowly, working memory will have a hard time sequencing them.

We always add a second on either side of each concept to account for smooth transitions, so that means that in sixty seconds you can fit about five concepts at the perfect pace for learning.

Concept Count

Your scientific animation will have a certain number of discrete ideas that the audience must understand before it ends. Pro tip: Knowing this, you can predict and tailor the duration of your own project before you talk to your first scientific animation studio! 

The hard rules of cognition make concept count the central metric for predicting how long an animation must be. 

Because we know how much work goes into making a given concept come to life on screen, this also gives us a very accurate predictor for establishing project scope.

How Can I Minimize the Cost of My Project?

Be concise. Certain elements will be critical to your story, but know the difference between what needs to be demonstrated in animation versus what can be a text box displayed alongside it. Always remember that animation is best served by stories that “show” rather than “tell.” 

Expository elements such as long lists of features or applications might even have better impact elsewhere on the webpage, remaining in view longer than if they are included in the animation.

Cost Breakdown in Scientific Animation

As we see it at Microverse Studios, every scientific animation has two cost components: pre-production/overhead and animation production. 

Scientific Animation Pre-production/Overhead

Every project takes a certain amount of overhead, regardless of final video duration. This includes time spent working on things like research, meetings, internal review, creative direction, and production management. It also includes script writing, our unique style development protocol, concept art, and storyboarding. 

Because this workload is very consistent, we have a standard line item of $15,000 for most scientific animation projects. 

Scientific Animation Production Costs

Here, scientific animation production refers to creating the actual 3D animation. This includes geometry, programming, rigging, keyframing, camera work and so forth. It also includes using supercomputing resources, rendering, compositing, video editing, and professional voice. 

This second component represents the bulk of costs associated with production, and scales with video duration. The cost is dependent on the anticipated work to create the imagery up to Microverse Studios’ standards for production value. 

For example, if an animation takes place in multiple microenvironments (i.e. kidney, lung, liver, etc.), each of these environments must be built from scratch. Part of our value is that we reuse very few materials from one animation to another, ensuring that every project is unique. This added research and work drives the cost difference for more complex projects. 

This production line item ranges from $20,000 to $30,000 per minute of finished animation. The range reflects variations in project complexity. 

examples of VR, 360, medical illustration and plain language medical writing

Other Scientific Communication Services

We produce more than animation! We also provide scientific and medical illustration for print and web, plain language medical writing for investor outreach, immersive experiences for your next conference booth, VR and 360 video and more. We even sweeten Powerpoint presentations.

Because the production process for each of these services can vary significantly, they are typically priced differently from scientific animation. Medical illustrations, medical writing and Powerpoint presentations, for example, would not require per minute pricing. Often, in these cases, we use our day rate of $2,000.

Frequently, one kind of project dovetails into another. For example, illustrations in one year might be expanded into animations the next.  We take into account work already done on a project when building expanded scopes in order to optimize our clients bang for their buck.

If you’d like to find out more about our scientific animation or the other services we provide, reach out! A quick, 15-30 minute call is usually all we need to discuss the best possible means of scientific communication for your technology (or whether your project even requires our services in the first place). 

Our philosophy is to be transparent about our pricing structure, and to always keep our clients’ best interests at heart while serving their unique needs. We always counsel toward brevity and act as thought partners to make their stories as successful as possible. We have found this to be the best business strategy because it keeps our clients coming back again and again. 

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Microverse Studios Wins Four Awards at the 2023 Association of Medical Illustrators Salon

Microverse was recognized with four honors at the Association of Medical Illustrators (AMI) annual conference this year. This recognition underscores the studio’s commitment to delivering high-quality, scientifically accurate, and aesthetically compelling medical animations that provide value and contribute to advancements in the medical and scientific community.

Medical Animation Awards

Molecular Simulation for Novel Drug Discovery

Award of Excellence

Professional Motion and Interactive Media

Ventus Therapeutics

Stephen Boyd, one of the studio’s talented medical animators, received two Awards of Excellence for his elegant work this year. The first animation, The “Molecular Simulation for Novel Drug Discovery” for Ventus Therapeutics, describes how they simulate how water interacts with the binding pockets on a protein’s surface, and then use that data to identify the best possible binders for that pocket from a library of trillions of known molecules. This is the second medical animation commissioned by the Ventus team.

Ventus Therapeutics is focused on discovering and developing novel medicines by targeting protein homeostasis. Recognizing the challenges associated with targeting traditionally undruggable proteins, Ventus leverages proprietary structural biotechnology platforms to access these therapeutic targets. Their mission centers on tapping into the unexplored potential of these difficult-to-drug proteins, aiming to create innovative treatments for a wide range of diseases.

Discover ResolvOME: The Next Step in Cancer Research

Award of Excellence

Professional Motion and Interactive Media

BioSkryb Genomics

Stephen received his second Award of Excellence for “Discover ResolveOME: The Next Step in Cancer Research” for BioSkryb Genomics. This multi-award-winning medical animation showcases what Microverse Studios can do for the Contract Research Organization community. “Discover ResolvOME” describes their integrated discovery package that analyzes not only genome, but transcriptome of each individual cell in a sample. By doing so, they can gain deep insights about how cancers respond to therapies. This is the third of three animations BioSkryb has awarded to Microverse Studios.

BioSkryb Genomics is a biotechnology company that focuses on advancing genomic research and healthcare. With its proprietary Primary Template-directed Amplification (PTA) technology, the company seeks to generate high fidelity, high-resolution genomic data. This technology enables more accurate single-cell DNA sequencing and better characterization of the vast genomic diversity across different samples. Their mission revolves around ensuring that researchers and clinicians can access accurate genomic information to propel advances in disease understanding and treatment.

Optics-Free Cell Imaging at Scale

Award of Excellence

Professional Motion and Interactive Media


Molly Huttner, another pivotal member of the Microverse Studios team, received an Award of Excellence for her biotech animation “Optics-Free Cell Imaging at Scale” for CytoTronics. This is the second CytroTronics production entrusted to Microverse. The animation explains their use of an ultra-high resolution nano-scale CMOS chip to read cell activity, and outlines their plans to do so at large scale in order to allow massively multiplexed data collection, enabling never-before-possible insights that will drive the next wave of drug discovery.

CytoTronics is at the forefront of bioelectronic medicine, aiming to provide novel therapeutic solutions. Their advanced bioelectronic devices and systems are tailored for real-time monitoring and modulation of cellular functions in a controlled manner. By delivering precise electrical signals to cells, they gather multiple types of data and can influence cellular behaviors and functions. The company’s vision encompasses a future where bioelectronics plays a pivotal role in treating diseases, rehabilitating patients, and advancing the overall quality of life.

Programming the Pharmacophore

Award of Merit

Professional Motion and Interactive Media

Metaphore Biotechnologies

Finally, Cameron Slayden was honored with an Award of Merit for “Programming the Pharmacore” created for Metaphore Biothechnologies. This biotech animation describes how their new MIMiC™ platform predicts and defines the entire pharmacophore, or pocket-binder interface of a target interaction. Using this information, they then use AI and machine learning to design new binding peptides with more desirable features.

Metaphore Biotechnologies is a pioneering company in the realm of computational biology that blends machine learning and AI-guided molecular design with wet-lab gene expression and analysis. Their MIMiC™ platform drives unprecedented insights into molecular interactions to design new molecules precisely tuned for therapeutic benefit.

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4 Common (and Costly) Mistakes to Avoid While Developing Your Medical Animation

Medical animations are worthy investments that deliver value across your business, but the truth is that high-quality 3D medical animation services are expensive. Add communication snafus and process hiccups to the mix, and the budget can quickly balloon. While our system is designed from the ground up to be able to accurately predict our costs from the beginning and avoid any scope creep, we’ve heard a lot of stories from our clients. In our nearly twenty years as a full-service scientific and medical animation studio, we’ve seen it all, but here are the four most common mistakes we work to help our clients avoid:

Mistake #1: Selecting a 3D Medical Animation Studio Without Scientific Expertise

This is a big one. Countless times we’ve had clients come to us after many months and dollars wasted on what turned out to be an unusable final product because they chose low-cost medical animators or ones without scientific expertise. When it comes to 3D medical animation services, you get what you pay for, so beware of lowball estimates—they’re a sign that they’re not paying experienced animators or those with graduate-level scientific education. Most commonly, we see a talented studio with a stellar portfolio falter because they lack the scientific expertise required to produce medically accurate animations that will survive the rigors of the scientific and legal review process. Best-case scenario, companies hiring non-scientifically trained studios should expect heavy hand holding throughout the process. Take it from us—hire a qualified 3D medical animation studio for the job.

Mistake #2: Not Keeping Your Medical and Legal Review Submission Guidelines Up Front Times in Mind During Scheduling

“That regulatory review process was a breeze!” said no one, ever. Seriously, plan for this like it’s the approval apocalypse. Even tiny errors can result in rejections, and big ones can explode production timelines, triggering vicious revision cycles that chip away at your team and take huge bites from the budget. This is sometimes an unavoidable feature of the review process, but when your timeline for deployment of your medical animation is critical, you have to factor these kinds of delays into your plan. To prevent this, meet with your legal team before starting work on your medical animation project.

Also, make sure you communicate submission guidelines for EVERY deliverable they’ll be reviewing with your medical animators so that they can keep things running smoothly on their end. Find out their submission days and turnaround time to ensure your production schedule reflects reality, and learn of any other potential pitfalls they foresee. Knowing these requirements up front and communicating them effectively to your team will go a long way to avoiding surprises in the review process. The last thing you want is for a project that once had plenty of time to switch to one with a tight deadline.

Mistake #3: Failing To Get Every Element Approved Before Moving Forward

There are three major deliverables in the medical animation development process: the script, the storyboards, and the final animation. On the 3D medical animation studio side, the production process is designed to ensure each deliverable is reviewed and approved before the next development phase can begin, but the various reviewing bodies on the client side sometimes creates complexities and communication chasms that allow minor items to fall through the cracks. Small oversights create big headaches, so make sure EVERY element is thoroughly reviewed before approving your studio’s deliverable.

For the script, this means all text, including voiceover narration and all words appearing on screen, both captions and labels. The storyboards show the narrative progression of the medical animation, shot by shot. It’s the blueprint the medical animators use to create the final product, so the action of every scene must be scrutinized in detail before giving approval. In the final phase of development, the animation process, changing the content can spiral costs for some studios. Make sure your approvals are bulletproof.

Mistake #4: Not Streamlining Feedback from Key Stakeholders

We’ve seen it before, and we’ll see it again—key stakeholders on the client side offering conflicting direction, or a rogue CEO coming in at the last minute to change key details, creating project upheaval. We can’t emphasize enough the importance of appointing a capable point person to lead the project on the client side, who can ensure that all stakeholders are involved in the review process. With so many departments weighing in, it’s essential for one person to be responsible for consolidating, confirming, and reconciling feedback from all stakeholders before communicating it to your development partner. When internal disagreement on the client side spills over into the development process, precious project hours are spent untangling confusion instead of creating groundbreaking medical animation. Know your stakeholders and make sure they’re in alignment!


The process of creating a high-quality medical animation is a complex, intricate, and costly endeavor. It demands not only artistic and technical skills but also a deep understanding of the illustrated scientific principle. To navigate this process successfully and economically, it’s crucial to avoid common pitfalls. This includes selecting a 3D medical animation studio with scientific expertise, proactively managing your medical and legal review submission guidelines, ensuring meticulous approval of each development phase, and streamlining feedback from key stakeholders. By circumventing these common mistakes, businesses can effectively leverage the power of medical animations, resulting in cost-effective, impactful, and scientifically accurate visual tools that ultimately enhance the understanding of complex medical concepts.

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Cameron talks about the early years at Microverse, the future of AI in medical animation and poaching Blockbuster employees with Dave Koss and Matt Milstead on the Mograph Podcast. Watch on YouTube or listen on Spotify below.

Mograph.com is an online community for motion graphics artists. Check out more amazing content on their site, including interviews, tutorials, articles and even classes.

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