When creating video content for your medical device, it needs to do more than look appealing on screen. A presentation for a new therapy or device should be clear, concise, and engaging. Take a step in a new medical device marketing direction by learning why your company needs medical animation.

Your Presentation Time Is Limited

A video needs to grab the viewers’ attention in the first 15 seconds. Every video needs to do more than list facts; it needs to engage the viewer and teach them about your device.

Show, Don’t Tell

Film makes complex topics easier to understand. A medical device video can establish a problem that needs solving, show how conventional tools fall short, and show how your device is the hero. After watching the video, the viewer should understand the solution your device offers and the basics of how it works.

The Audience Builds Their Knowledge From Your Videos

Medical device animation sets itself apart from other video types. It can give the viewer a walkthrough of how your device works, even showing what the device does and how it interacts with tissue with greater clarity than live video. With animation, it is simple to show action that takes place inside the device and inside the body, depicting things that cannot be filmed live. Animation also allows us to control the style of the imagery and to avoid showing anything that could provoke a visceral reaction from the viewer. We can make a surgery video beautiful instead of off-putting. Medical device animation can also make a surgical video engaging for the audience.

If there’s any form of media that’s educational, engaging, and beautiful, it’s animation. Animation’s not only limited to the patient; it’s a marketing tool that appeals to doctors, investors, and other healthcare professionals as well.

If you need to know how to use medical device animation in pharmaceutical marketing, you’ll find all your answers here. Microverse Studios offers compelling storytelling abilities that reshape how viewers watch videos. Our work includes finding the right pacing, visual treatment, and music to set the perfect tone for your brand and selecting the right visuals for your device’s video. Our team can create strong, rich content that helps explain your story to the viewers.

Often, when producing scientific animation that contains cellular events, we have to show cells bursting or otherwise spilling their contents into the surrounding space. Cinema4D 2023 offers some amazing new tools for built-in, plugin free volumetric gaseous simulations, but this isn’t available for cloud rendering yet. While we wait, here’s a tutorial to get very similar effects using Cinema 4D’s own built-in dynamics, cloth effects, and combinations of volume builders to get Redshift to render cell contents properly diffusing after cell lysis.

The motion molecules make when they interact is important to the character of a medical animation, whether it’s Mechanism of Action or something else. In this Cinema 4D tutorial, we show how to make the momentum of the impact force of a ligand binding to a receptor deform the cell surface so that it has a brief sink-and-bob effect.

This tutorial shows how to create smooth bilayer motion in Cinema4D when producing medical animation.

In medical animation, we often show cells and other structures bursting and releasing their contents into the surrounding area. Simulating these effects has traditionally been extremely time consuming and has required plugins that can complicate the process. Cinema 4D version 2023 now includes a realtime fire simulator that does a fantastic job, but it’s not yet compatible with cloud rendering systems such as the one we use. Embergen, by JangaFx, simulates volumes in realtime, but you have to bake them to a .vdb stack to make them usable in Cinema 4D and they won’t interact with the scene, pushing other elements around. Xparticles is great, but the simulation process is agonizingly slow.

Not only that, but often medical animation students are limited to what software they can install in their department, so having a solution that works in every version of Cinema 4D after version 20 without any plugins is a must.

This tutorial demonstrates how to use a cloner, some spheres, and volume generators to get excellent goopy cell contents effects with minimal effort and no extra software.

One topic that often comes up in medical animation or scientific animation projects is viral, bacterial, or parasitic replication within cells. This tutorial shows how to pack a red blood cell with malaria parasites (it could be any other creature of course), and have them burst out of it and get swept away into the blood flow. No need to bake particles, no special plugins, just good old-fashioned Mograph and dynamics.

When producing Mechanism of Action videos or any other medical animation that discusses molecular biology, it’s inevitable that we have to represent lipid bilayers at some point. The problem is that in reality they’re a densely packed collection of particles, and simulating that for a standard animation is computationally unfeasible (read: it will melt your computer). Cinema 4D has a fantastic set of noises that are great for all kinds of uses, but one in particular is useful for both lipid bilayers and expansive beds of cells: voronoi. The problem is that voronoi has a linear gradient, which creates cone-shapes when using it as a displacement map.

This tutorial shows how to get the perfect rounded profile on your voronoi displacement within the Redshift shader network. (TLDR: double your gamma with a color correction node!).

You have less than three minutes to impress potential investors. Short, animated content can make your pitch memorable. Continue reading to learn why you should use animation explainer videos in your pitch to investors.

Time Is Limited

Time is of tremendous value to investors. Suppose you have technology you need to present in under three minutes. If you can’t show the unmet need or prove your product can meet the demand, you’re sent out the door. Animation is the easiest way to succinctly show the problem, how conventional solutions (if any) fall short, and how your therapy could be the hero.

Many shareholders give people a short time to say something meaningful and grab their interest. In a total of three minutes, investors know whether there’s an opportunity or not. While you might say a picture is worth a thousand words, an animated video is worth more.

Present an Elevated Brand

Smarter strategies build a stronger brand. If the first thing on your to-do list for every animated pitch video is to develop smarter strategies, you’re doing it right. Investors don’t want to see quantity; they want quality. It’s easy to adapt your style to your content, especially in explainer videos. With animation, it’s possible to use branded colors, illustrations, and mottos. Come to the studio with your concept, ensure it aligns with the brand, and you’ve got a successful pitch!

A Better Chance To Stand Out

Investors make decisions from pitches. Make yourself stand out and get more approvals from every pitch meeting with help from 3D medical animation services. Animations are more memorable than cold reads, so provide an animated explainer video in your pitch to investors instead of pages of text.

Microverse Studios creates beautiful and accurate animated videos. Reach out to us to learn more about how we can create an animated video for your pitch to shareholders.

This tutorial reveals how to create parasitic malaria movement in Cinema4D when producing medical animation.

This tutorial shows how to make blood cells that are flowing along a spline come to a halt smoothly in Cinema4D when producing medical animation.

Microverse Studios has won a silver Telly for Stephen Boyd’s Why Some Cancers Come Back Deadlier Than Ever. This beautiful Biotech and Mechanism of Disease animation done for client BioSkryb Genomics reveals in heart-wrenching clarity why our immune systems and cancer treatments can sometimes unintentionally select for more aggressive, treatment-resistant, and deadly cancer cells.

The Telly Awards began in 1979 as a competition for local, regional and cable television commercials, but now honor excellence in video across all screens. Receiving over 12,000 entries from all 50 states and 5 continents, Telly Award winners represent work from some of the most respected advertising agencies, television stations, production companies and publishers from around the world. This will mark Microverse’s 2nd year entering and placing in this prestigious competition.

Microverse Studios was selected to provide WIRED with the scientific animation needed for their educational video on the complicated and lengthy process behind the development and production of a COVID-19 vaccine.

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